Standing Orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings. They are not the same as the policies of a council but they may refer to them.
The Financial Regulations set out the financial policies and principles of the council and provide the framework for managing our financial affairs.
Landford Parish Council seeks to maintain the highest standards of conduct and integrity amongst its Councillors who operate in accordance with this Code of Conduct.
This Scheme of Delegation sets out the Terms of Reference by which the discharge of Council functions (under 101 of the Local Government Act 1972) to the Clerk (who is the Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer) will operate.
It was Activated on 06 May 2021 as:-
after 06 May 2021 it is no longer permitted to convene remotely. Legislation allowing local councils to do so has expired;
before 21 June it is not permitted to meet indoors with anybody you do not live with, unless you have formed a support bubble with them. To do so you face a fine of up to £10,000;
to find a suitable venue where councillors and members of the public may meet safely socially distanced would incur significant additional costs.
UPDATE: This Scheme of Delegation was deactivated at the Landford Parish Council Meeting held on 16 March 2022.
As the use and popularity of Social Media grows, we recognise that the line between what is public and private; personal and professional, can become blurred.
It is important that Councillors are held accountable and adopt the behaviours and responsibilities associated with the role (as set out in the Local Government Association’s Model Code of Conduct 2020). At the same time, Councillors have the right to a private life and express personal opinion (provided it is not threatening, discriminatory, or unlawful in any way) without fear of reproach or intimidation. Landford Parish Council have made the decision to create a Social Media Policy which will act as a guide for both Councillors and members of the public to understand this delineation.
Landford Parish Council is committed to providing safe activities for young people and to this end, this Child Protection Policy Document has been compiled.
Everyone has a duty to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. This Safeguarding Policy promotes good practice in safeguarding for those using Parish Council facilities.
The Terms of Reference setting out the executive functions of Landford Parish Council's Affordable Housing Project Working Group adopted on 12 October 2022 can be viewed here.
The Memorial Bench Policy was adopted by the Parish Council on 11 October 2023.
This Policy supports the principles of memorial benches and sets out how parishioners can officially request a memorial bench.
The Transparency Code 2015 sets out the requirements for the publication of specified data by parish councils. Landford Parish Council publishes data on expenditure exceeding £500, Local Authority Land, Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, and its Constitution.