Landford Parish Council is notified of all new applications by the Planning Authority (New Forest National Park Authority or Wiltshire Council) and is asked to respond with a decision by a certain date.
At the next Parish Council meeting, Councillors discuss and make its decision on the planning application. Advance notice of all planning applications to be discussed are provided in the Agenda and Planning Schedule published on the Parish Council's website.
At the Parish Council meeting, at the discretion of the Chairman, members of the public may be invited to speak to give their view on planning applications on the Agenda. Objection to any planning application must be based entirely upon material considerations, as set out in planning policies.
Councillors make democratic decisions on planning applications (with reasons for the decision) by voting. Decisions are recorded in the Planning Schedule attached to the Minutes.
The Clerk communicates the decision to the relevant Planning Authority.
What if the view of landford Parish Council differ from that of the Case Officer?
New Forest National Park Authority
The application is automatically referred to the Planning Committee. These committee meetings are open to the public, and are held at Lymington Town Hall. Members of the public and Landford Parish Council may register to speak.
Wiltshire Council
The application is NOT automatically referred to the Planning Committee. Landford Parish Council can ask for it to be referred, but it is not obligatory for Wiltshire Council to do so (and the Case Officer alone will decide). If the application is to be considered by Wiltshire Council, members of the public and Landford Parish Council may register to speak.